Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Natural home remedies for Constipation

Constipation is unpleasant, but you don't have to suffer. Instead of suffering do good things for your health. Simply try these home remedies to get your digestive system back on track.

These are well known natural home remedies for constipation

If your first instinct when you are constipated is to reach for the laxatives, chances are you don’t need one. Instead try natural home remedies or just do things like to eat more fibre, drink more fluids and exercise. Start your day with a high-fibre bran cereal. Some brands contain as much as 14 grams of insoluble fibre, the kind that adds bulk to stool. If you are new to the whole fibre thing, start off with a smaller serving to prevent gas, bloating and cramping.

Eat dried beans, prunes, figs, pears and oatmeal. These foods are also all high in soluble fibre you need. Mix one to two teaspoons of psyllium seeds into a cup of hot water. Let it sit for two hours, add lemon and honey, then drink. Flaxseeds are high in fibre and also contain heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Take one tablespoon of the ground seeds two or three times a day. You can also add it your morning cereal or smoothie. It is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in case you are increasing your intake of fibre.

Castor oil can help you against constipation. This oil tastes awful but it works. Castor oil has a compound that when digested stimulates the small and large intestines. Simply swallow one to two teaspoons quickly on an empty stomach. It will do the job through next eight hours. Tastes nasty but it really works!

Wrinkled fruit comes to the rescue - Prunes are one of the oldest home remedies for constipation. High in fibre, prunes also contain a compound called dihydroxyphenyl isatin, which kicks the colon into action. Raisins are also high in fibre as well as tartaric acid, which work like laxative.

Last resort in case of constipation - The herb cascara sagrada is one of the key ingredients in over-the-counter laxatives. This ingredient comes in a variety of forms like tea, tincture, tablet and it is important to follow the directions on the package carefully. Don’t use it for more than two weeks since it can cause you to lose too much fluid and salt.

Before trying any medicine it is good to read how it works. Always take them with caution.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

To remove headache swallow some throb stoppers

If you suffer headache try this natural remedy.

Ginger was historically used as a natural remedy to treat headaches, and it looks like it is a good cure. Grind up a half-teaspoon ginger, stir it into a glass of water, and drink this “ginger juice”. You can also try to pour one cup plight over one teaspoon freshly ground ginger, let the tea cool somewhat, then drink it. Ginger is very effective against migraines. Doctors do apprehend that ginger has an impact on prostaglandins, hormone like substances that contribute to inflammation. Ginger additionally helps to control nausea that therefore usually accompanies migraines.

To learn more about garlic and how it works as a natural remedy read this article. Hope you’ll headache will go away.

Natural home remedies against headaches

Every day we feel stress on work, family demands, or all kind of tight schedules. I suggest you to try these natural remedies to assist ease your pain.

Natural home remedies against headaches. During a world of traffic jams, tight schedules, and high-speed everything, it’s no surprise we discover ourselves sound Associate in Nursing occasional pain reliever.

With a firm, circular motion, do massage on the surface between the bottom of your thumb and your finger. Continue massaging for a few minutes, then switch hands and repeat till the pain resolves.

Another good method is to soak your feet in plight. This can facilitate your head feel higher. By drawing blood to your feet, the hot-water tub can ease pressure on the blood vessels in your head. In case you feel extremely dangerous headache, add some of hot mustard powder to the water.

This could sound contradictory, but you can follow up the warmth treatment (or substitute it) by applying a chilly compress to your forehead. Put a few of ice cubes during a face cloth or use a bag of frozen vegetables. Cold constricts blood vessels, and after they shrink, they stop pressing on sensitive nerves. Since headache pain generally originates in nerves in back of your neck, strive moving the compress to the muscles at the bottom of your head.

Here’s another to a chilly compress: Simply soak your hands in cold water for as long as you'll be able to stand it. Whereas your hands square measure submerged, repeatedly open and shut your fists.

Some people find it good against headaches

Try the coffee - Have a cup of coffee. Alkaloid founded in coffee reduces blood-vessel swelling, and so will facilitate relieve a headache. However, if you're already coffee consumer, skip this. Caffeine withdrawal will cause headaches, making a vicious circle.